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Star Wars Project

I saw the first Star Wars movie -  a New Hope -  when I was in fourth or fifth grade.  My sister took me and my best friend to see it.  We were hooked, at least I was, and my favorite character was Darth Vader.  Which was pretty odd for an 11 year old girl in the 70’s.  It was the first time that space travel appeared really real on film.  I was also a Star Trek fan and liked Sci Fi in general.  So the Star Wars movie series was a big deal to me and many of my generation.

Recently, I had been feeling rather uninspired, so I decided to have some fun and use the Star Wars action figures that my husband and I share for an art project.  I planned to take at least one photo a day and share them on my various social media.  Sometimes I took more than one, and these are the pictures I got for the month of January 2015. 

And yes, it did help me get out of that artistic slump. I continue to post these on my personal blog site.

Star Wars snowfun 01 1000w
Star Wars snowfun 03 1000h
Star Wars Obi-wan Stormtrooper 01 1000w
Star Wars Stormtrooper 03 1000h
Star Wars Stormtrooper 04 1000h
Star Wars Obi-wan 01 1000h
Star Wars Obi-wan 02 1000h
Star Wars Han Solo 01 1000h
Star Wars Han Solo 02 1000h
Star Wars Han Solo 04 1000w
Star Wars Han Solo 03 1000h
Star Wars Han Solo 05 1000w
Star Wars Han Solo Luke 01 1000w
Star Wars Han Solo Obi-wan 01 1000h
Star Wars Han Solo Obi-wan 02 1000w
Star Wars Han Solo Obi-wan 03 1000w
Star Wars Han Solo Obi-wan 04 1000h
Star Wars Han Solo Obi-wan 05 1000h
Star Wars Han Obi Storm 01 1000w
Star Wars Han Obi Storm 02 1000w
Star Wars Stormtrooper 05 1000h
Star Wars Stormtrooper 06 1000h
Star Wars Han Solo Obi-wan Luke 01 1000h
Star Wars Han Solo Obi-wan Luke 02 1000w
Star Wars Han Solo Obi-wan Luke Storm 01 1000h
Star Wars Obi-wan 03 1000h
Star Wars Han Solo Luke 02 1000h
Star Wars Han Obi Storm 03 1000w
Star Wars Han Solo Luke Storm 01 1000w
Star Wars Han Solo Obi-wan Luke Storm 02 1000h
Star Wars Carbonite Freezing 01 1000h
Star Wars Carbonite Freezing 04 1000w
Star Wars AF 001 1000w
Tipping Storm Trooper's head changes the attitude
Star Wars AF 003 1000w
Lighting changes the mood as well
Star Wars AF 005 1000w
Star Wars AF 006 1000w
Star Wars AF 007 1000w
Star Wars AF 009 1000h
Star Wars AF 010 1000h
Star Wars AF 011 1000h
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