Observation Post 42

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Landsknechts Gone Wild was originally a cartoon about the production of another cartoon series that was to be posted on www.Landsknecht.com a historical website about the famed mercenaries of the 1500’s.  The series of stories never manifested, but the project I started for fun got me playing with the sets and characters created.  It developed into something that has been going on for about 6 years.  We moved and had to take a break from it for about a year since all the props were packed up.   The location we moved to was more out of necessity and we did not have free space to setup.  This was a fun project.   It’s very eclectic and somewhat therapeutic!  If you like knights, mercenaries, re-enactment humor, and hate modern marketing, you just might find this little series amusing. - G. Winkler

Feb 17, 2023 - Stuck in same place been, 12 years, trying to move for almost 6 years. It has been weird. Statistically weird. If I told you what has happened you would not believe me. We live in strange times...

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Updated 2/17/2023

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